Beyond the Grave -Lessons from Mark's Grandpa
Mark’s grandfather, Paul’s dad, was a psychiatrist and a very spiritual man. Psychiatry frequently focuses on the secular as opposed to the spiritual. Grandpa Taylor combined knowledge from his profession and overlayed that with an umbrella of faith. The result provided unique insights into what motivates us, what inhibits us, and how we deal with this life’s difficulties and unfair aspects.
His fundamental focus was to prepare his children and grandchildren with the tools to live a more balanced emotional life and not be overcome by circumstances that we cannot control. But rather to deal with the circumstances in which we find ourselves and not be consumed by them, resulting in greater fulfillment and satisfaction in our daily lives.
His faith was the primary guiding principle in his life. Though he practiced in the secular world, he viewed everything in spiritual terms, literally every vital aspect of this life. His faith influenced the lessons he taught his posterity. As much as we try to find happiness and purpose in this life, our preparation for the next is even more essential. He taught his children and thirty-eight grandchildren valuable lessons on navigating adversities and our darkest hours and not losing focus on the end goal, a life that transcends this one.
He died unexpectedly several years ago. The possibility of publishing his thoughts ended at that point. Paul has detailed notes, videos, recordings of his father and is assembling the lessons in a book, much in the format of Mark and Me.